Friday, September 19, 2008

Total cracks

Como tío al que le encantaría dedicarse al mundo de la chorrada, me quito el sombrero con los guionistas de los late night de la tele yanqui. Yo trabajé en esto del humor a bajísima escala durante seis meses y es realmente j*dido ser ingenioso todos los días, pero los que escriben los chistes en esos programas lo clavan noche tras noche. Me he leído un artículo sobre los que hizo Jay Leno la última semana sobre la campaña yanqui y me ha partido el Ohio. Una muestra:
They also revealed that Sarah's husband Todd, who works in the oil field...His Secret Service code name is "driller." I guess they figured Bill Clinton wasn't using it anymore.

Here's something I mentioned last week. For some reason the Secret Service revealed this. Sarah Palin's Secret Service code name is "danali." Turns out danali is an old Eskimo word that means Dan Quayle.

I guess they are getting a little worried at the Barack Obama campaign... It's so close now. I guess Barack plans to have lunch with Bill Clinton this week. That's gotta be a little uncomfortable, huh? You'll have someone who has a strained relation with Hillary, having lunch with the democratic presidential nominee.
Dios, el último es perrísimo!


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